Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wedding Photographer Captures Touching Moments Between A Bride And Her Cat

Wedding Photographer Captures Touching Moments Between A Bride And Her Cat According to The Knot, 13% of weddings take place in June, making it the second most popular month to get married. I lucked out this year because 98% my friends are already united in holy matrimony, however, two People Magazine celebrity wedding covers in a row a trend does make (I'm looking at your Drew Barrymore and Matthew McConaughey). With all of the wedding bells in the air, it got me thinking about cats (as usual) and different ways people can include felines in their nuptial plans. It's not uncommon to see pups carted around these events wearing fancy outfits and posing in pics (did you know that during her wedding to Mark Zuckerberg last month, Priscilla Chan was escorted down the aisle with their 1-year-old Puli, Beast?), but cats, especially kitties who never leave the house, don't necessarily lend themselves to that kind of environment. I recently came across some beautiful images shot by photographer Britt Spring, of a blushing bride and her well-dressed kitty at French Fairytale Wedding. Fascinated, I asked if she would share the pictures, and also wondered if she could address the unique challenges that come with photographing an unwitting feline model. Britt writes: "That couple were so totally gorgeous and they live in Melbourne, although the groom is from France. I don't know a lot about them but the cat and the dogs were fantastic. The dogs belonged to her sister, but the cat was the bride's. I didn't know until the day and I was wrapped! Something quirky and interesting to photograph is always a bonus. She picked up the cat at one stage and it wasn't happy, but then I took her portrait on the sofa and the cat just decided he wanted to be in the picture. He jumped up on the sofa and looked at her, it was one of those moments that I was just grateful to have been prepared and ready to shoot. It was a completely organic moment which is why I love the photo so much, too." Have you, or do you plan on including your kitty or a cat theme into your wedding plans? (and am I the only one who would be nervous about letting a cat near my dress?) Click over to Britt's blog to check out the full album of Virginien and Jodie's wedding day - dogs, cats, and all!

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