Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Brides and Bloating Prevent bloating before your wedding day


Brides and Bloating Prevent bloating before your wedding day
You have spent countless hours planning and dreaming about your wedding day which is now fast approaching. As you count down the days the panic begins to set in. How do I prevent the all too familiar pre-wedding bloating experienced by so many brides on their wedding day?

Getting in Shape

Naturally, we as women may think, I will simply starve myself and not drink a lot of liquids for a few days before my wedding. If I do so perhaps this will help drop a bit of weight and reduce some of that nasty cellulite on my bodyright? Wrong!
Did you know that water retention is directly linked to what you eat, drink and your daily habits?
Bloating is caused primarily by dehydration. The loss of water in the body can cause constipation. And the corresponding lack of bowel movements creates the tummy bulge.

The Tips

Here are six tips to follow for at least 1-2 weeks prior to your big day:
1. Drink 8 10 glasses of water a day. Drinking less fluid will not cure water retention and can actually make it worse. So drink plenty of water to flush the toxins from your body. Cellulite is a form of fat with retained water. When the body cannot get rid of the wastes and toxins it tends to store cellulite.
2. Try to eliminate salts and refined sugars from your diet. If you cant eliminate these types of foods then at least cut down on their use as much as you possible can.
3. Get some exercise. Go for a brisk walk, even if it is just 10 minutes. Movement helps you lymphatic system drain and gets the blood pumping which increases circulation. Did you know poor circulation can cause water retention?
4. Dont skip meals. Much as you may think this is wise, low calorie diets have been shown to increase water retention. But do avoid high fat foods. Incorporate protein in your daily routine. While you are running around getting all the last minute details finished remember to reach for a yogurt, some cottage cheese or make yourself a protein shake. One of the most important nutrients to prevent water retention is protein.
5. Cut down on caffeine and alcohol. These liquids cause dehydration, plus they are empty calories.
6. Take a good multivitamin. Find one that has a high content of Vitamin B (12 and 6). Stress robs your body of essential vitamins, plus you are probably not eating as healthy as you should. Vitamin B is especially good to take when you are under stress, or have bloating. I always take a daily multivitamin but supplement them with a good B vitamin.
Of course it goes without saying that you should also try your best to get proper and sufficient sleep during this stressful period.

The Result

If you can follow these six simple, natural yet highly effective guidelines then youll look better, feel better and be as radiant as a bride should be on herwedding day. Take charge and eliminate that unnecessary and unwelcome pre-wedding bloating!

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