Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bridal Shower Games Ideas


So, your marriage is on the cards? It is time for a Bridal Shower Party! At the bridal shower party, family and friends will give gifts and lots of blessings for you.

The History

The origin of the wedding or bridal shower is quite interesting and can be traced back to Holland. It is an old story which states that a Dutch girl fell in love with a miller who was very poor. When she told her father, he forbade their marriage. So the young lady decided to marry the miller and stayed with him, despite his poverty. As the neighbors heard about the news of them nearly starving, they came with help. They showered gifts and money on the newly married couple. From the money and gifts showered to the couple, they set up a good home and a good life for themselves. Since then, this tradition of bridal showers has been in practice. Though, today the celebrations of bridal shower are grand and all full of gaiety.
No bridal shower celebration is complete without bridal shower games. These games will add life to your party and keep the guests entertained.

The Games

Bridal shower games really get the party going. You can even be creative while setting the games for your bridal shower party. In fact the more bridal shower games you play the better. With todays tradition of inviting friends, work colleagues and family members to a bridal shower, games can be great way to break the ice for people who dont know each other.
Who Am I Bridal Shower Game
The game Who Am I adds smiles and vitality to the whole party with the added benefit of being a great first icebreaker.
To play this game, all you have to do is to prepare some index cards. On each card write a name of a famous personality. As soon as the guests arrive, attach a card to everyones back. Attach them in such a way that the guest is not able to see it, while the others can. Then start the real test. The guests have to ask each other for the clues, so that that they can know the name attached to their back. The first person to identify the correct name is the winner.
The Wedding Alphabet Game
The Wedding Alphabet Game is really fun. The game involves a combination of wit and intelligence. The game is simple; the host initiates the game by describing a wedding item, ritual or tradition starting from the letter A. They will include in their sentence the item or the culture starting from A. The next guest adds another item or anything after that sentence starting from B. This game continues as the sentences keep on building. If a person is unable to add an item of the letter they get, they drop out. The guest who stays longest wins the game.
Caught In the Middle Game
The bridal shower game Caught in the Middle promises to bring loads of laughter and activity to the party. The game is quite simple. Everybody is made to sit in a circle, then a bag is provided to one guest. As the music plays on, the guest has to pass it over to the other guest. This passing goes on till the music continues. As soon as the music stops, the one with the bag in their hand gets caught in the middle. As a penalty, they are asked to perform a dance, an imitation, a mono act or anything. This bridal shower game adds excitement to the party. It also brings out the latent talent of every guest that gets caught in the middle.
Charades is widely known and played all over the world. This game can be played anywhere and everywhere. The game involves intelligence and recognition power. There are two teams made out of the guests. One member of each team has to perform a mono act on the name of the actor or a movie given secretly to him. The guest only has to perform and not speak. The name of the character or the movie has to be guessed by his team. Within a time frame, if any team member guesses the correct name, his team gets a point. In the end the team with maximum points is declared as a winner.

Other tips

These are just a few ideas for bridal shower games to help create a great mood for the bridal shower party. They can add excitement and joy to the whole party and are a good way to get everyone involved, as there will no doubt be guests who dont know each other. So, get your party started with lots of bridal shower games.

Bridal Shower Invitations



A bridal shower is a great event leading up to the wedding where wedding attendants offer gifts and celebration to the bride and groom. There are lots of things you can bring to a bridal shower to have a wonderful time. The bridal shower invitations themselves are a huge part of the shower. But there are some traditional guidelines for invitations that should be followed. The bridal shower is typically thrown by the maid of honor, unless other arrangements have been made. Whoever the host may be, it is important to be familiar with the traditions.
Who should be invited to the bridal shower? A bridal shower can be just a womens event or can be co-ed. It is up to the bride ultimately and whoever is hosting the shower should check with the bride. Typically the bride will invite all the women who are invited to the wedding, as well as the bridesmaids, mothers, and grandmothers.

The Venue

Where should be the location of the bridal shower? Typically the shower is held at the house of the maid of honor, or at a restaurant. Again, the host should check with the bride to see what is most convenient for guests and family. Some showers are long distance, where everyone meets without the guest of honor who may be in another location. The guests call the bride and describe the gifts and then wrap them up to await the brides arrival before thewedding. If the bridal shower is to be held at a restaurant, previous arrangements should be made with guests about payment, and with the restaurant for reservations.
Should you request an RSVP for the bridal shower? It depends on the type of party and type of setting. If it is important to have an accurate head count for the caterer, and RSVP is necessary. If it is more casual type of shower, RSVP may not be needed. This is completely up to the host.
When should the bridal shower be held? Bridal showers are typically held two weeks before the wedding. However, with people having to travel long distances, it is sometime more convenient to have the shower a day or two before the wedding so everyone is able to attend. Having the bridal shower sometime before the wedding gives the bride and bridesmaids more time to prepare the week before the wedding.

Planning the Theme

What is the theme? There are lots of themes for bridal showers. And invitations can be made to incorporate any of these themes. Whether it be lingerie, kitchen, hardware, there are invitations to coordinate with any theme. The theme of the invitation should also reflect the style and personality of the bride.
For the maid of honor, the bridal shower can be the biggest task before the wedding. All these factors are very important when choosing invitations for the bridal shower. Choosing the right bridal shower invitations that coordinate with the theme, and sending them at the right time is a great way to start a perfect bridal shower. And choosing all the right information to include in the invitation is just as important. And sending them to the right people will make the bride happy.

Bridal Shower Party Advice



The bridal shower is the prewedding party organized by the bridesmaids or close female friends. Its purpose is to shower the bride with good wishes. Obviously, the bride is the center of attention at the bridal shower. Although it should not matter who is hosting organizing the event, traditionally, family was discouraged from hosting bridal showers, because it may look like they are digging for gifts.

The Rules

There is no rule on who is to host the shower. The bridesmaids, friends, or family usually hosts it. The place of the party is usually someones house, but bridal showers can be held at restaurants. One of the most important aspect of planning a successful bridal shower is to only invite guest who will be invited to the wedding too. Anyone invited to the shower would have every right to be expecting an invitation to the wedding. To avoid embarrassing mistakes, always consult the bride and key decision makers about the guest list.
The bridal shower, just like your wedding, should be on a day that is easy to attend. Therefore, Saturday is probably the best day to have the party. It enables your guests to attend. The bridal shower should be close to the wedding day but not less than a couple of weeks before.

Bridal Shower Favors

Bridal shower favors are an important part of the event. Some of the most popular bridal shower favors are personalized chocolates, or personalized bath gels. If you have a beach theme bridal shower, your favors can compliment it. For example, dolphin wine stoppers, or seashell candles are very popular beach bridal shower favor ideas.
Written invitations are not mandatory. Most people have an e-mail address, so einvitations may be the most cost effective option.
If the party is at someones home, usually finger food is served. Pizza is another popular choice of food. Bridal showers are informal event, and you dont need to make a big fuss about the food.

Bridal Shower Party Countdown


The most important secret to have the best possible bridal shower party before a wedding is careful planning. If your bridal shower party is carefully planned, it will be not only more organized but a lot of fun. Paying attention to details is what makes a wonderful bridal shower party for a wedding. If you treat your bridal shower party just like any other project, you have a good chance of making it a success. Proper planning is the most important first step to take toward a great bridal shower party.
The following list can serve as a simple outline for your overall bridal shower party planning. Follow the outline to help plan the bridal shower party. Be sure to check or underline each completed task, so you can concentrate on the incomplete items. It is also helpful to use actual dates to meet your deadlines.

First steps

The most important first step is to select the appropriate date and time. Be sure to check with the most important participants, and make sure the date works for everyone. Setting a conflicting time for a party is a bad start.
Set your budget do not purchase anything until you have set your budget.
Select the place (A favorite restaurant is a great location, but a friends house works on a tight budget.)
Prepare your guest list your guest list is limited by your budget.
Five to six weeks prior the bridal shower party before a wedding
Select method of invitations (You can save money by sending e-invitations, your guests are Internet savvy.)
Make a decision about the shower theme a popular theme is beach party.

One month prior to the bridal shower party date

Send out the bridal shower party invitations
Decide on food (Select caterer or restaurant if you wish to use one)
Research bridal shower party favors
Two weeks before the bridal shower party
Based on RSVPs from the invited bridal shower party guests make final arrangements regarding food and other planned activities

Last minute preparations

Contact caterer or restaurant (if you use one) to make sure they are ready for the bridal shower party before a wedding
Put together any accessories you plan to use for the bridal shower party
Wrap gifts and prepare party favors
Make sure a video recorder and cameras are available to record the bridal shower party

Bridal Shower Party Planning


Planning the Bridal Shower

The bridal shower is the party prior to the wedding prepared by the bridesmaids or close female friends. The purpose of the bridal shower is to youd never guess – shower the bride with good wishes. Clearly, the bride is the center of attention at the bridal shower party. It doesnt matter who is hosting or organizing the event. However, family was discouraged from hosting bridal showers, because it may look like they are digging for gifts.
There is no law about who is to organize the shower, but it is usually left for the bridesmaids, friends, or family. The location of the party is typically someones house, but bridal showers are often held at restaurants. One of the most significant aspects of planning a successful bridal shower party is to only invite people who will be invited to the wedding. Anyone invited to the shower has every right to be expecting an invitation to the wedding. To avoid uncomfortable mistakes, be sure to consult the bride and key decision makers about the guest list.

The Perfect Day

The bridal shower, just like your wedding, should be on a day that is convenient to attend. Saturday is probably the best day to have the bridal shower. It helps your guests to attend. The bridal shower should be close to the wedding day but not less than two weeks before.
Bridal shower favors are an important ingredient of the party. Some of the most popular bridal shower favors are personalized chocolates, candles, wine stoppers, manicure sets, or personalized bath gels. In case you have a beach theme bridal shower, your favors can compliment it. For instance, beach chair favors, dolphin wine stoppers, or seashell candles are very popular beach bridal shower favors.


Written invitations are optional. Most people have an e-mail address, so invitations through e-mail are a quick and cost effective option. If the party is at someones home, usually finger food is served. Pizza is another common choice of food. Bridal showers are informal events, and you dont have to make a big deal about the food.

Bridal Shower Planning Tips



Historically, brides have been showered with love and gifts on their bridal shower party. Although the maid of honor normally organizes the bridal shower, showers can be organized by anyone close to the bride. To be more politically correct, couples may decide to opt for a couple shower. It is the same concept as a bridal shower, but it is not exclusive to female friends and family. A couple shower enables friends and family to celebrate both bride and groom. Whether it’s a bridal shower or a couple shower, planning the event takes considerable effort. So, read on to learn some fun and helpful bridal shower planning tips.

The Plan

Planning the shower is the responsibility of the honor attendant or honor attendants. It is quite possible for the bride to choose more than one honor attendant. So, it is quite possible that planning the shower would be a team effort. If there is only one maid of honor, she shouldn’t hesitate to ask for help from the other bridesmaids, friends, and family.
Hint. Several people involved in the planning process can help, but it can also create conflict.
Choosing the right date for the bridal shower is of paramount importance. There is no rule about how much time before the wedding a shower needs to take place. It can take place several months or a couple of weeks prior the wedding day. Often, bridal showers are planned in the form of a surprise party. Regardless of the date of the shower, guest should be notified well in advance. Make sure that the date doesn’t conflict with holidays or other events that would prevent the guests from attending the party.
A bridal shower doesn’t need to be an expensive party, but it certainly can be. Be sure that your budget is set early in the planning process. Once your budget has been determined, be sure the required funds are set aside. Don’t be a hero and ask for help. Just because you plan the shower, it doesn’t mean you have to pay for the whole thing. Unless you are independently wealthy, ask all the bridesmaids to help out.
A bridal shower can be a discreet get together or an extravagant party with some great bridal shower favors. The sky is the limit, and, of course, your budget. If you organize the party, you should know enough about the bride to determine what kind of shower she would enjoy the most. Would she enjoy a relaxed shower at somebody’s house, or is she expecting a more formal party in a hotel ballroom? Does she have specific hobbies or interests that would provide an interesting theme for the party?
You should only invite guest to the bridal shower who will also be invited to the wedding. If you are unsure about who should be on the guest list, feel free to ask the bride to help out. If you are organizing a surprise shower, ask the bride’s mother or someone who would know about the wedding reception guest list.
It is very smart to include information about where guests can purchase presents in the shower invitations. The guests will appreciate your guidance. After all, it makes it easier for them purchase the proper gifts.

Bridal Shower Invitations

The bridal shower invitations can be traditional cards or even e-cards. Most people have an e-mail address, so an electronic invitation might be a feasible option for your shower. E-cards are not only freely offered on many Web sites, but they are also fast. You send them our one-minute and they are delivered the next. If you have a larger budget, you might be interested in sending out personalized chocolate bars as bridal shower invitations. Regardless of what form of invitations you decide to use, make sure they are sent out well in advance. The bridal shower invitations should be sent out about two months prior to the bridal shower party.
Food is an important aspect of the planning process, and it is very much influenced by where the bridal shower is held. If you’re planning an at-home bridal shower, you may prepare the food yourself or you have a catered party. If you’re having the shower in a restaurant or a hotel, make sure they prepare one of the bride’s favorite meals.
Remember: Bridal showers are supposed to be fun, so don’t stress too much. After all, you are planning a party.

Brides and Bloating Prevent bloating before your wedding day


Brides and Bloating Prevent bloating before your wedding day
You have spent countless hours planning and dreaming about your wedding day which is now fast approaching. As you count down the days the panic begins to set in. How do I prevent the all too familiar pre-wedding bloating experienced by so many brides on their wedding day?

Getting in Shape

Naturally, we as women may think, I will simply starve myself and not drink a lot of liquids for a few days before my wedding. If I do so perhaps this will help drop a bit of weight and reduce some of that nasty cellulite on my bodyright? Wrong!
Did you know that water retention is directly linked to what you eat, drink and your daily habits?
Bloating is caused primarily by dehydration. The loss of water in the body can cause constipation. And the corresponding lack of bowel movements creates the tummy bulge.

The Tips

Here are six tips to follow for at least 1-2 weeks prior to your big day:
1. Drink 8 10 glasses of water a day. Drinking less fluid will not cure water retention and can actually make it worse. So drink plenty of water to flush the toxins from your body. Cellulite is a form of fat with retained water. When the body cannot get rid of the wastes and toxins it tends to store cellulite.
2. Try to eliminate salts and refined sugars from your diet. If you cant eliminate these types of foods then at least cut down on their use as much as you possible can.
3. Get some exercise. Go for a brisk walk, even if it is just 10 minutes. Movement helps you lymphatic system drain and gets the blood pumping which increases circulation. Did you know poor circulation can cause water retention?
4. Dont skip meals. Much as you may think this is wise, low calorie diets have been shown to increase water retention. But do avoid high fat foods. Incorporate protein in your daily routine. While you are running around getting all the last minute details finished remember to reach for a yogurt, some cottage cheese or make yourself a protein shake. One of the most important nutrients to prevent water retention is protein.
5. Cut down on caffeine and alcohol. These liquids cause dehydration, plus they are empty calories.
6. Take a good multivitamin. Find one that has a high content of Vitamin B (12 and 6). Stress robs your body of essential vitamins, plus you are probably not eating as healthy as you should. Vitamin B is especially good to take when you are under stress, or have bloating. I always take a daily multivitamin but supplement them with a good B vitamin.
Of course it goes without saying that you should also try your best to get proper and sufficient sleep during this stressful period.

The Result

If you can follow these six simple, natural yet highly effective guidelines then youll look better, feel better and be as radiant as a bride should be on herwedding day. Take charge and eliminate that unnecessary and unwelcome pre-wedding bloating!

Bride Threatened By Rival On Wedding Day – Wedding Cake


Cake: The Wedding Rival

The Eye candy rival in the shape of a wedding cake is the only threat the bride has to contend with on her wedding day in looking good. Wedding cakes have become an essential decoration at wedding venues where guests still excite themselves over how splendid the wedding cake is. Choosing the right cake if done scrupulously is as easy as walking down the aisle.
Availability of cake decorators may be restricted at the bakery of your choice so be sure to check this out before finalizing any decisions on how you want your cake to look. An early chat with the cake baker to talk over the design and flavour is a wise move and should be done at least 6 months before the set date thus giving him/her plenty of time to create the perfect wedding cake. You may need to pay a deposit fee for reservation.
Wedding cakes have a flair for looking good but should also be scrumptious in taste for all guests dribbling at the mouth waiting for a slice of the action
The texture and flavour of the cake itself is important so when out shopping don’t hesitate to ask for cake sample flavours. Some bakery shops will be only to willing to oblige.

Budget Wedding Cakes

Make sure to budget well for your cake as they can be costly depending on the design. Wedding cake prices range from 300 up to 1000. Expect to pay the cake decorator’s fee on top of the cost of the cake itself. Don’t forget to ask at the bakery do they do free deliveries. Let them know how many are attending the wedding ceremony this will then give the baker a good idea on the size appropriate to fill everyone’s belly. Most bakeries have a standard number of servings for each cake type.
Not only are flowers worn or hand held by the bride at the wedding they are also popular for decorating wedding cakes. Fresh or artificial whatever you choose as your chosen preference. Fresh flowers are beautiful and can be strongly scented so select carefully make sure minus free from chemicals. Consider sugar flowers an edible gum paste decoration that has wire/toothpicks on them also very tasty and on top giving you peace of mind where no one gets poisoned.

Wedding Cakes during Summer

Summer weddings and cakes have to be carefully thought about when it comes to where the cake should be placed in the reception area. Keep out of the direct sunlight, heat and wedding cakes not a match made in heaven. Keep covered in case of flies. Never under no circumstances place your wedding cake near the dance floor because the boogie bopper may cause a lotta heartache. A steady table is a must for the cutting of the cake.
Wedding cakes are good to eat lovely to look at and will add beauty to your wedding. For the perfect wedding you always dreamed of be sure to budget wisely if you don’t, excuse the pun (You can not have your cake and eat it)

Budgeting for Your Special Wedding Day


Getting married is still very much in vogue and with so much choice available for when where and how to get married, with careful planning you should be able to guarantee that your wedding day will indeed be a very special day.

Budget and Expenses

Budgeting for that special wedding day is important as you could run up bills amounting to many thousands of pounds. Decide what you budget is at the outset, stick to it and dont be swayed and end up spending more than you can afford.
Some of the biggest expenses will arise from the cost of the wedding attire with the bridal outfit accounting for a substantial sum of money. On top of that will be the costs of bridesmaid dresses, flowers, corsages and suit hire or purchase for the groom and best man. The wedding rings for the bride and groom will also be costly purchases as will the gifts for the bridesmaids and mums. The gifts given to the bridesmaid are usually pieces of jewellery and mums usually get lovely big bouquets of flowers.

Number of People to Invite

Decide on how many people you are going to invite and then look at potential venues and catering costs and explore the alternatives. You dont have to have a costly formal sit down meal when a more relaxed buffet style function may better suit your needs. If you do opt for formal you may choose to limit the number of people at the formal sit down meal to limit costs and then invite more guests to an evening buffet disco.
If you are getting married in church you will need to arrange some form of transport and there are many options such as Rolls Royces or maybe a horse drawn carriage.
The time of year that you are getting married may dictate many of the above, for instance you may not want arrive at a marquee in the middle of winter with the real likelihood of bad weather affecting your arrangements.
These days you can just about get married anywhere you choose and it doesnt have to be in a church so you may be able to get married in the same venue where you are holding the reception. This will cut down on transport costs and you may get a better deal all round with an all inclusive package. Whether you choose a romantic castle in the Highlands of Scotland, a magnificent stately home or something more modest, remember stick to your budget and dont be tempted to overspend.
Of course you and you future spouse may just decide to go abroad either alone or with a few friends and family and get married on a beach, up a mountain of even Las Vegas in Elvis Presley style. Tour operators will be very helpful in providing you with the correct advice and information about getting married abroad.

Choosing the Destination

When choosing your exotic destination remember that some of the destinations we normally associate with glorious sunshine and beautiful beaches and scenery may have seasons where the weather may not be so predictable or kind. Beware of monsoon and hurricane seasons in particular.
Organising a wedding can be a very stressful affair but there are usually plenty of people that will be willing to help such as friends and family as well as wedding organisers if you want to leave everything to a professional. There are also many ways that you can get the information that you need to ensure your wedding day goes smoothly and to plan.
Whatever you decide, good luck, have fun, enjoy and make you wedding day a very special day.

Buffet Table Activities


Most wedding receptions include a buffet-style meal where everyone stands in an enormous line waiting while those at the food table decide if they want Italian or Ranch dressing on their salad.
There has to be a more unusual way to get people to their food, and a faster one at that, right? There are several fun options you can employ to feed your guests quickly and with a minimum of groans of hunger.

The fun options

One of the most popular is the number system. Each table is assigned a number and the MC or DJ calls numbers at various intervals. The people at that numbered table then find the buffet and begin their feast. You can place the numbers in a variety of locations. For the most utilitarian version, just place the number in the flower arrangement on the table.
Some brides don’t like this look of numbered table as if at a convention. In that case, you can put the numbers under the flower arrangements, or under the chairs. If you have place cards at the tables, you can write a small number somewhere on the card so people know which table they’re sitting at. For a fun variation, you can have the florist play around with the table floral arrangements. If the arrangements are going to have a dozen flowers, you could have the florist add one extra flower to table “one”, two extra flowers for table “two” and so on and make the guests figure out which number table they are based on how many extra flowers they have in their arrangement.
The flower method could be cost-prohibitive, of course, if you have a large guest list and many tables.

The Color System

Now, if the number system doesn’t thrill you or make you think “unique”, there are other options. Each table can have a color and the DJ simply calls out the color name. Depending, again, on how many tables you have at your reception, you could coordinate the tablecloths with the color of the table. So you might have white, pink, lavender, beige, and yellow tablecloths, and the guests sitting at that table simply move to the buffet table when the color of their tablecloth is called.
Another popular option for moving people easily to the buffet table involves having a little fun with your guests. You provide each table with a buzzer, either a bell like you might find at a store, or a small silver bell. Just something they can buzz or ring. The DJ or MC asks a trivia question, or a question about the bride and groom. The tables buzz in with their answers. The guests at the table with the first correct buzzed answer move to the buffet table. You repeat the process until everyone is finally on their way to getting some grub.

The Trivia Method

The trivia method is an especially fun way to help guests to get to know one another, as they might have to work together to come up with an answer. If your guests are hungry, you’re sure to hear muffled groans and sighs of exasperation. But even with the small complaints, this is always a crowd pleaser because it’s fun and gets everyone involved.
Now, this next option is fun but can engender a bit of jealousy sometimes. When people get their place card, whether it’s placed on the table, or they pick it up when they look at the seating chart, you can put a number on it. But not everyone at the same table will have the same number. If you have 100 guests, for example, you might choose to have 10 people at the buffet table at a time. So each person would be assigned a number 1 through 10.
In the same scenario as above, the DJ or MC will call a number and those numbers will head for the buffet table. There are sure to be more than one person from each table heading for the buffet table, but the guests at each table won’t get their food at the same time.
This staggered feeding can be fun or a nuisance, depending. It solves the problem of half the room being finished with their meal while waiting for the “later” table to finish theirs before the festivities start, but it can also mean that one or two guests might be long done with their food (or wanting to head back for seconds) when others at the table haven’t even eaten yet.





Bridesmaid, the maid of honor, is the next important to the bride herself. She not only stands next to the bride but also carries her flower basket and takes care of all the needs of the bride. Bridesmaid is usually a close friend of the bride or a young cousin of hers.

The Tips

A bridesmaid dress should be one that complements the bride and her dress in all ways. While buying the dress there are lots of bewilderment, to avoid this keep in mind the following
1.Colour the rule of thumb for buying a bridesmaid dress is that it should complement the brides dress. The bride is the focal point of the evening, so this should not be distracted by anything flashy on the bridesmaid dress. Traditionally a bridesmaids dress is sober white. To give a formal look, choose an immaculate white and black. The bridesmaid will look stylishly elegant in this. To give a romantic look to your young bridesmaid, choose a white dress laced with black, or a black wrap. Apart from these colour that are forever traditional and dramatic, soft pastel colours like cream, baby pink, soft sea blue, lilac are much in vogue.
2. Fabric- this aspect of the dress is very important for it decides the fall and the comfort. To get the perfect fall for the bridesmaid dress, go for chiffon, crepe or georgette. Heavy stuff is a strict no-no. Fabric should be smooth and comfortable on your body. You should be able to carry it off. Selection of fabric heavily depends on weather, the time of the year when the ceremony is to be held. Summers call for lighter fabric while for winters silk is good, though silk dress will be on a costlier side. For a cheap bridesmaid dress that looks splendid, theres a tip TRY A NORMAL FABRIC DRESS WITH SILK LACE OR SEQUINNED WORK AT NECK. This will not only be different but also simply classy. Wrinkle free fabric is more comfortable.
3. Place of wedding- in todays era, when couples are experimenting with very new places to get married like underwater or sky, this aspect holds great importance. For a ballroom wedding, dress can be flowy but on the contrary for a beach wedding, length of the dress needs to be cut short and fabric drip free.
4. Length of dress you can choose between floor length or tea length dress. Now this decision rests primarily upon two factors (a) Age of Bridesmaid A very young girl, may not be able to carry floor length dress and trip over to create a pandemonium on the final day. Also for a beach location wedding, a tea length bridesmaid dress is the best. Decide on the length keeping these factors to avoid any embarrassing situation.
5. Style though the traditional style is a one piece evening gown. But following the contemporary styles, much in vogue is a two piece dress. It can be a mix n match of contrasting colour. Play around with colours a little but as long as you feel comfortable. Do not overdo it.
6. Accessories- in the anxiety to buy the perfect bridesmaid dress, we usually tend to forget the accessories. But GOOD SELECTION OF ACCESSORIES CAN MAKE A CHEAP BRIDESMAID DRESS LOOK PRICY and thats the trick.
(a) Jewellery keep them simple. A pearl set looks classy or you can simply try danglers to dramatize the look.
(b) Flowers match the colour of your dress with flowers. It will greatly accentuate the complete look.
(c) Shoes comfortable shoes of the right height is the key to a good dress. A biting shoe might force you to sit through the dance party and that for sure will be utterly miserable.

A point of view

Its not the price of the dress; its how you carry it. Use a little creativity of your own to personalize and instantly your bridesmaid dress will be beautiful.